“Better Breakfast” Month

September is national “Better Breakfast” month! Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, yet 20% of Americans are breakfast-skippers! As back to school season kicks off, more and more individuals are rushing out the door and holding off from eating until lunch time. This can cause overeating and carb cravings later on in the evening! Beginning your day with a balanced breakfast helps control weight, stabilize blood sugars, and provides us with the energy and brain-power we need to get our day started! To observe #BetterBreakfastMonth, a complete breakfast should contain a balance of lean protein, healthy fats, and low-glycemic carbohydrates. This balance is essential to curbing cravings and controlling hunger throughout the day. Below is a fall-inspired, grab-n-go breakfast recipe that you can prepare in advance, so you have no excuses the morning of!


 “Pumpkin Pie” Overnight Oats

Nutrition per serving:

  • 215 calories

  • 26 g carbs

  • 5 g fiber

  • 2 g sugar

  • 14 g protein

  • 7 g fat

  • 0 g saturated fat

  • 85 mg sodium

  • 1/3 c old fashioned oats-dry

  • ½ c unsweetened almond milk

  • ¼ c low-fat Greek yogurt

  • 2 tbsp unsweetened pumpkin puree

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds

  • ½ tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • *Optional: 1 tbsp crushed pecans to top


  1. Combine the oats, unsweetened almond milk, Greek yogurt, pumpkin puree, chia seeds, vanilla, and cinnamon. Stir thoroughly.

  2. Seal the container (mason jars work great) or cover with plastic wrap.

  3. Place in fridge for 4-6 hours, preferably overnight.

  4. Overnight oats can be eaten cold or reheated in microwave for 1-2 minutes if you prefer it heated.


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